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Getting Organized Means Getting More Work Done!

Getting Organized Means Getting More Work Done!

This week I interviewed Annemarie Eggink, a professional organizer, who explained that getting organized is more than straightening up your desk. It involves incorporating strategies that work for you personally, as well as physical organization.

Do-It-Yourself Tips:

Annemarie says there are four Degrees of Organization:

1. Hot. This is your desktop, the drawers of your desk. This is the place for things that you touch and use on a daily basis.

2. Warm.This is the bookshelf near your desk or a filing cabinet. These are for things that you use weekly.

3. Cold. This could be your assistant’s desk or a storage desk. Put things here that you need to see on a monthly or quarterly basis.

4. Arctic. This stands for ‘archive.’ This is information that you must hold onto for a certain period of time. Put this in your archive, basement or offsite storage.


Signs That You Need To Bring In a Pro:

1. Missing scheduled appointments and meetings

2. Too much clutter, ie: too many post-its that don’t work

3. Forgotten bills, late notices

To hear today’s show in its entirety, go to Marketing Chat with Nancy Sipera, 10/2/12

Source: Annemarie Eggink, O.R.D.E.R.

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